We are at your service
Since 2003, VAGONMASH GC has specialized in the development and implementation of effective and innovative solutions in the field of the production of parts and units for freight railway transport.
17 years
we have been implementing solutions and producing parts
700 +
qualified specialists are ready to resolve your task.
7 273 615 items
of finished parts VAGONMASH has produced
5 working days
to create the best offer for you.
Мы не просто делаем, мы делаем профессионально.
Fields of spezialization:
  • The production of parts from drawings
    We produce any part in accordance with your parameters.
  • Hot stamping
    We press up to 1000 tons.
  • Heat treatment
    We process low and medium tempering furnaces (150-450С).
  • Carburizing
    We have two automatic carbon-case hardening lines, with separate zones of heating, saturation, and diffusion.
  • Machining
    We prepare a big inventory of modern CNC machine tools.
  • Assembly of metal structures
    We help develop and produce complicated and non-standard metal structures.
  • Production of punch tools
    We make a broad inventory of modern machines for pattern equipment production.
  • Production of casting tools
    A broad inventory of modern machines for pattern equipment production.

Our production:
Quality control
Our QCD controls the total conformance of the produced goods with all declared specifications.
End-to-end cycle production
We have all equipment necessary to produce parts.
Trade-off approach
We are readily available for dialogue on project aspects and more importantly find the best mutually beneficial terms.
Attention to the main thing
We do our best to optimize all processes to the maximum to reduce the price to the barest minimum
Quality control
Our QCD controls the total conformance of the produced goods with all declared specifications.
End-to-end cycle production
We have all equipment necessary to produce parts.
Trade-off approach
We are readily available for dialogue on project aspects and more importantly find the best mutually beneficial terms.
Attention to the main thing
We do our best to optimize all processes to the maximum to reduce the price to the barest minimum
You can contact us using any way convenient for you. We are always glad
to hear new ideas and will be glad to answer any questions you may have:
Phone: +7 (4712) 220-562
E-mail: request@vagonmash.services
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